In the areas of Occupational Therapy, and Feeding/Swallow Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy
In the clinic and home environment/s. To determine if your child will benefit from therapy, the therapist completes an evaluation, using standardized tests, and writes the evaluation report. Bring copies of any prior reports/evaluations relevant to support this evaluation.
Consultations and Ongoing treatments
1-1 therapist/child, in our private, friendly, and fun clinic environment, also in home and community settings. Family-centered therapy, caregivers are encouraged to directly participate in all therapy sessions, caregiver coaching and establish home programs for the best success for the child.
Assessments We Utilize
Standard Assessments
The occupational therapist works on advancing the baby or child’s play skills- their primary occupation. This includes fine motor, gross sensory motor, social-emotional and self-help skills: mealtime skills, dressing, grooming, potty training, and for the older children – drawing, handwriting, organization and academic skills. The OT provides treatment techniques to engage the child in fun, purposeful tasks, promoting sensory integration and processing skills, including attention, staying calm and following directions, to support learning.
The Occupational Therapist supports the child to work on a variety of tasks related to feeding and swallow, it might include- helping muscles of the mouth get stronger, learning to: suck and swallow for the baby, and to move the tongue and chew food for the toddler. Exploring how different foods and textures “feel” and to take a variety of liquids, textures and foods. Includes participating in feeding- using their hands, holding the bottle and cups, and utensils to eat/drink safely. Includes family training to carry over techniques to home.
Our Occupational Therapists are experienced therapists with degrees to the Masters and Doctorate levels, with advanced training in Neuro Developmental Treatment (of the Baby and Child), Sensory Integration, and Feeding & Swallow.
The Physical therapist works to improve a child’s gross motor skills – rolling, crawling, sitting, walking, running, jumping, climbing stairs, riding bicycles. Address- strength, range of motion, muscle tone, balance, reflexes, motor planning, to help the child move safely and independently, and teach carry over skills for home.
Our Physical Therapists are experienced therapists with Masters and Doctorate levels, with advanced training in Neuro Developmental Treatment of the baby and child, and extensive Orthopedic experience.
The speech therapist works on the child’s communication skills, includes both receptive and expressive skills. This includes working on- oral motor and oral sensory skills, auditory processing, promoting use of non-verbal- gesture, sign- language, producing first sounds and progressing to oral speech and language, social- language skills to interact with peers/family. Includes addressing specific issues such as – articulation or stutters. Our speech therapists are a variety of consultants with Masters and Doctorate Level training.
External Resources
Professional Bodies
Sensory Integration